Benefits of Power Apps to Your Organization

 Your organization’s mobile strategy is extremely important. And once you begin to chart out your company’s mobile strategy, you are likely to get overwhelmed by the number of technologies available to choose from.

Businesses moving to the cloud is the need of the hour and many are deploying mobile and tablet-based applications to help improve customer service, knowledge management, and employee engagement. The good news is that there is a lot of technology out there that can deliver these results.

The best amongst these is Power Apps!

PowerApps are a suite of mobile applications designed to unlock the potential of mobile devices for the benefit of consumers, businesses, and the world.

Let’s discover more about the Power Apps.

What is Power Apps

Microsoft Power Apps is one of the tools with the Microsoft Power Platform that enables you to build custom apps, to accommodate your business needs or solve your problems when you cannot find a suitable off-the-shelf solution.

The apps you use can quickly connect to your stored business data, that is either located in an underlying data platform (for example Microsoft Dataverse, previously known as the Common Data Service) or within an on-premise/online data source, for example; Excel, SharePoint, Office 365, SQL Server and Dynamics 365.

If you are an IT professional looking to explore mobile app development, it’s time you explore the benefits of PowerApps.

Benefits of Power Apps to Your Organization

Power Apps has the ability to bless businesses with more efficiency and productivity. Let’s find out how;

Power Apps allows your company to build apps and solutions

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the capabilities of Power Apps are often underutilized. Many companies often test simple solutions and discard them when there is a need for more complex solutions.

With PowerApps, organizations can build custom apps and APIs and publish and deploy them using the same standards that power the Internet. Over 100,000 organizations are using PowerApps to build custom business apps and solutions. Organizations can create apps that provide them with a more user-friendly and efficient way to perform their day-to-day tasks.

Power Apps can develop new applications much faster

If you are in the IT field for quite some time, you would understand that building applications was a time-consuming and tedious task. In fact, for iOS, it often took months and required a lot of re-writing, testing, slow iterations, and finally submitting to the App Store.

Power-Apps has made this challenge a thing of the past! Over the past two years, a handful of model-driven apps has been built using PowerApps. These apps have been built quickly, efficiently, and with a lot less effort than the apps built using other tools. 

Power Apps is a single platform for app development

With the help of the Single-Sign-On (SSO) features, Power Apps makes the development of mobile apps a breeze

  1. Native apps can be created in less time
  2. It has high-quality code, along with free and open-source libraries.
  3. Power Apps reduces the cost of building and maintaining the app
  4. It is flexible and easy to integrate into the existing development projects.
  5. It enables the users to deploy the apps on multiple operating systems such as Android, iOS, Windows, and web-based apps
  6. As a developer, you can easily connect native apps. This means that you can avoid unnecessary third-party tools, services, and developer communities

Reach out to Stallions Solutions for PowerApps consulting. We are Microsoft Partners and have in-house PowerApps experts with over 100+ years of experience combined.

Power Apps provides organizations with a variety of tools

It provides your business with numerous tools that equip your employees with the tools that deliver high-quality service. Power Apps allows your company to recognize its needs and utilize Power Apps to customize according to their needs. This way, your employees can achieve organizational goals better.

Power Apps allows satisfaction with the newly-built apps

The technology of Power Apps focuses on boosting productivity and streamlining data processing. Organizations use it due to a growing list of powerful features.

Many organizations are hesitant when it comes to building an app. The fear of breaking something or getting a bad review from the app store can be overwhelming. PowerApps has been designed to ensure that the organization will be fully satisfied with the app they build.

Power Apps streamlines your business operations

In addition to the developer tools, PowerApps has streamlined development via its APIs. Â One of the biggest benefits of developing apps with PowerApps is that developers can share code across platforms, which is a huge help when trying to maintain various versions of apps, across various platforms, and across various OS at the same time. 

Power Apps with its quality of streamlining operations has made it attractive for IT professionals. They can now automate and manage multiple tasks while simultaneously getting insights into business operations.

Power Apps – In Huge Trend for Businesses!

Other major benefits of Power Apps for businesses include:

  • Power Apps is cost-effective
  • Power Apps is integrated with Microsoft Flow
  • Power Apps is an easy-to-use data storage technology

Let’s admit it! PowerApps are a huge help for organizations. They help improve efficiency, improve communication, and help keep an organization on top of the latest trends. PowerApps are also a great way to help an organization get more exposure.

Final Word

Microsoft Power Apps enables you to build custom apps, to accommodate your business needs or solve your problems when you cannot find a suitable off-the-shelf solution. If your business isn’t reaping the benefits of Power Apps, you are missing on the competitive edge over your competitors. Furthermroe, if you are an IT professional looking to explore mobile app development, it’s time you explore the benefits of PowerApps.

Reach out to experts at Stallions Solutions today!