Data synchronization is important for businesses of all sizes, from the Fortune 500 to the garage startup, whether it’s to facilitate communication between point-of-sale and inventory systems, import new connections into Microsoft Dynamics CRM, or connect accounts and contacts between the two systems. Scribe within Dynamics 365 is a fantastic option for getting this done.

Although detailed instructions for integrating Scribe Online and Dynamics CRM are available, we thought it would be helpful to present a working example that anyone could use to get up and running in under an hour.

Scribe dynamics 365

The purpose of this piece is to provide just such a guide, with an emphasis on practical advice rather than an academic discussion. We’ll use linking the two as an example of how quickly and easily Scribe can connect to CRM On-Premises or CRM Online.

Naturally, in practice, you wouldn’t want to link two CRM systems together. You should, however, have a working knowledge of connection fundamentals after reading this tutorial. With this information in hand, you can switch to a different system in place of the on-premises or internet version.

Setting up Scribe for Dynamics 365

Access systems

If necessary, you may always set up two separate cloud and on-premises instances, but for our purposes, we’ll just use one of each.
First, establish the preliminary links between Scribe and our CRM instances. Specifically, we use Scribe Online’s CRM Connector, which we “install,” so to speak. The word “install” is in quotation marks because all we have to do to add a feature to our Scribe Website installation is click a button. No software is being installed on any computer. Instead of building our own custom agent to communicate with the CRM instances, we’ll be using Scribe Cloud Agent which is among the best practices to utilize CRM connections

  1. On the left side of the screen click on the Marketplace
  2. In the Microsoft, dynamics click on the install button


Though it will take a little while, setting up connections to your CRM instance will be a breeze afterward. The next step is to establish that link. The online connection to the CRM comes first.

  1. On the left side of the screen click on the connection.
  2. Click new on top.
  3. Set type of Microsoft dynamics 365 and fill out the fields.
  4. When user click on the test connection! This must be done for the connection for work.
  5. Then click OK.

The next step is to establish a link with our local installation. Follow the same procedures as above, except these times, when you get to the “Manage Connections” screen, enter the data for your on-premises network.


  1. Again, click on the connection.
  2. Click OK

And that’s all for setting up the connection.

Simple Scribe Dynamics 365 Integration

Let’s quickly build an integration that will look up and update values in one system using data from the other. If you want to follow this example, you’ll need to modify the profile entity in each CRM you’re integrating with to include a new field named “new master accounted.” That field will serve as an intermediary between the two networks. In the target system, within the Account entity, add a new single-line text field named “new hosted crmguid.”

  1. Click on the solution and click NEW.
  2. Fill out the general solution makes sure the cloud agent is selected and then click.
  3. Advanced in the map tab

In this case, we only need to implement a basic retrieve and update. We just need four components to accomplish this: the original query, a means to iteratively process the returned results, a connection to the other computer, and the update.

Choose your input and output locations on the right. Choose the online CRM instance as the target for this test and the hosting CRM instance as the source.

Click and drag the query block to the main area of the left.

To change the Query block, double-click on it (or choose Edit from the context menu) and then choose Account as the entity to retrieve (the schema names are used, not the friendly names).

Insert a filter with a value into the new master accounted column.

To continue, insert a For Each Answer block into the screen from the control panel on the right. Similar, to how we moved the Query block, click, and drag the box to its new location. In this case, the modifying process is unnecessary because that is all there is to this control.

Double-clicking on the newly added Query from the Target connections on the left side of the screen will take you to its configuration settings.

In the Query Criteria section, after setting the entity to account for, you can add fields to use for matching. As before, I’m making use of the new master accounted custom field.

In the field list, just care about the account ID and the new master account ID, which you can confirm by clicking on them. All fields could be recovered, but that would significantly stymie the integration process.

Click OK

The final part of this process is to implement the change. All of the necessary information has been obtained from the target computer, and now we must perform updates. A block labeled “Update” can be moved from the Target section on the right to the main section on the left, beneath the lookup, by clicking and dragging it. It ought to fit snugly. To access the editing window, simply double-click.

Pick the accounting unit again.

Put each system’s new master account ID into use as the matching criterion. With this method, we can ensure that only the entries in the target computer that correspond to the new master account ID in the source system are modified.

Last but not least, go to the Fields menu and pick the fields you want to modify. In this case, I’m using the accounts of both the original source and the new host to set the new hosted CRM GUID value.

  2. Click OK.
  3. Back on the edit screen Map screen, click OK.
  4. And finally, back on the solution page click OK.

Select your solution from the solution listing and hit the Run Now button to put this integration into action.


So long! The cloud system will update the hosted CRM id field with the GUID of the entry from the hosted system if the master customer id of 123 is used in both systems. The integration of Scribe Microsoft Dynamics and your CRM instance(s) should now be a breeze with the help of the above instructions.