In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, an overwhelming 70% of field service teams acknowledge the vital role of technology in enhancing the efficiency of field service management. This figure highlights the increasing dependence on digital solutions within the field service industry and the significant opportunities presented by integrating sophisticated tools like Copilot into Dynamics 365 Field Service.

Copilot is an AI-powered, interactive tool that offers support across various business operations. Embedded directly within both CRM and ERP platforms of Dynamics 365, Copilot aims to help business users swiftly generate and refine ideas and content, accomplish tasks more effectively, and derive insights to inform future actions. By leveraging Copilot and Dynamics 365 Field Service, users can achieve higher productivity and operational efficiency. In this post, we will look at how using Copilot in Dynamics 365 for Field Service can have a transformative impact.

Using Dynamics 365 Field Service with Copilot

In the fast-moving world of managing field services, staying updated with the newest tools and tech is essential. This is where the combination of Copilot and Dynamics 365 Field Service becomes useful. Think of it as having an innovative digital helper who knows what you need before asking.

So, how do you use Copilot to improve your work with Dynamics 365? It’s easier than it sounds. For example, Copilot can enhance customer interactions by giving you up-to-the-minute, intelligent insights. Imagine being able to suggest tailored services or quickly solve tricky problems with AI advice. It’s all about removing the guesswork from how you provide services and ensuring your decisions are smart and well-informed.

Copilot significantly enhances field service management by improving scheduling, dispatching, and predictive maintenance processes. This optimization ensures that your field technicians are well-prepared, routes are planned more efficiently, and, as a result, your customers enjoy faster and more effective service, leading to increased satisfaction. Let’s look closer at the main Copilot functionalities that may be used with Dynamics 365 for Field Service.

Work Order Management

Dynamics 365 field service allows onsite technicians to easily create, view, and manage work orders. With the help of Copilot, users are guided through creating and managing work orders and receiving suggestions on scheduling more efficiently to boost productivity. When users open a work order record in Dynamics 365 field service, they’re greeted with a summary recap, available on mobile and desktop interfaces. This recap highlights essential information such as notes, products, services, tasks, and activities linked to the work order, significantly reducing users’ time guessing and searching when dealing with a work order.

Work Order Creation From an Email

Some Dynamics 365 users use the Outlook plug-in to quickly associate their emails directly with Dynamics. Copilot can be used with the plug-in to extract information from an email to settle and create new work orders. The system administrator can choose the selected fields for the population. By using this feature, data entry time will be reduced, and it will also ensure that the required information is filled out.

Email-Based Resource Scheduling

The task of scheduling and assigning resources can be complex. However, with the Outlook plug-in and Copilot, users receive suggestions that follow specific criteria to aid in scheduling, re-scheduling, or adjusting bookings according to resource availability and skill sets. Instead of manually navigating through schedules, Copilot simplifies the process by filtering out resources that don’t match the job requirements. Furthermore, once bookings are made, resources can be automatically notified about their upcoming assignments.

Other Features with Copilot

Copilot has more to offer for Dynamics 365 field service users. It can be set up to automatically complete service tasks and mark products and services as used, updating inventory amounts. Copilot also adds and changes notes for bookings and Work Orders, which can change a record’s status based on the work done.

Plus, Copilot is great for training your team. It provides help and information quickly, making your team more skilled and confident to handle tasks.


When you use Copilot with Dynamics 365 Field Service, it changes how things are done by making many tasks automatic. It makes adding data faster and turns outside information into database records with hardly any need for typing it in by hand. While Copilot cuts down on the need to manually enter data, it doesn’t eliminate it. Instead, it lets users spend their time on more significant tasks, helping them do more each day.

But, bringing in an innovative tool like Copilot can have tricky parts. Companies might need help fitting it into their existing working methods or using all its features immediately. That’s where a partner like Stallions Solutions is really helpful. We give you the advice, custom solutions, and help you need to start using Copilot smoothly and effectively.